Sunday, August 12, 2007

Making room for baby . . .

As many of you know I am preggers with a due date of September 9 (yes, that is only 4 weeks away - eeeeek). One of the preparations we've done while getting ready for Johnson kiddo #3 (or as we've affectionately referred to him/her as "Ziggy the zygote") Mulu & Aaliyah now share a bedroom!

We got a great deal on a slightly used bunk bed set, which was stored for a bit in the garage so the kids new something was up - but not until "THE MOVE" did they fully understand their co-habitation situation. So with the help of both sets of grandparents (Thanks so much guys) we combined sleeping areas, dressers, toys, etc into one room successfully and Mulu & Aaliyah have done just fine.

I will have to admit bedtime takes a bit longer than it has been, so lets hope we are over that phase before Mulu starts Kindergarten (which is also 4 weeks away - eeeek again).

Aaliyah's last night in her bedroom . . .

Mulu's last night in his bed & with a room to himself . . .

(this is one of his new poses he does when people are taking photos - he's got quite a repertoire, you know)

Daddy reading books for the 1st time in their new room!

need I say more?

Mulu & Aaliyah all snuggled up ready for the 1st night in their new beds & bedroom!! How exciting!

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