So . . . to bring you up to speed . . . Christmas was wonderful. All three Johnson kiddos had a wonderful time with multiple celebrations (5 Christmas gatherings in 4 consecutive days). 2009 has started with full speed and we are having huge amounts of fun.
Mulu loved his break from school and was completely into the whole Santa thing this year, asking detailed questions about how it all worked and anxiously counting down the days. He continues to do super in school (if our super wicked weather would allow him to have a full week of school).
Aaliyah didn't really remember Christmas last year, so although she picked up on the fact that she should be super excited from her brother, she didn't really know what to expect. She continues to do great at preschool and astonishes us each day with how smart she is.
Baby Aria officially started walking the week before Christmas and hasn't really looked back. She can dance (march her feet really fast in place) twirl and even does her own version of a somersault (Mulu and Aaliyah are both into flipping and being upside down a lot so Aria puts her head on the ground and rolls over onto her back). She can now say hot, up, papa, uh huh, wow and has a version of grandpa and grandma already. She continues to have a great personality and loves to make other people smile/laugh.
Here is a photo of Brian's parents with all 5 of their Grandkids (our Johnson kiddos and Cousin Charlie and Cousin Evie) - as you can see the little ones were not enjoying the moment, but all 6 of us parents were laughing our tails off taking pictures and trying to get our little ones to smile. and as you can see - Mulu and Aaliyah continue to be pros!
Me, my mom ("Nana"), Mulu and Aaliyah on cookie making day (we got the majority of our work done while Aria was asleep)
Aaliyah and Mulu hard at work decorating the cut out cookies - these guys were troopers - decorating for over an hour & a 1/2 without complaining or wanting to quit
All 5 of us on Christmas eve
Daddy and the Johnson kiddos opening stocking stuffers from Santa on Christmas day morning.
Aria opening her 1st gift while wearing her 1st hair "pretty" which she received in her stocking. There was barely enough hair to keep it in, and it didn't last long - but here is the proof that it was there
Aaliyah hugging, kissing and thanking Mulu for his gift to her - too cute to pass up the photo op
Daddy and the kids ready to unveil the last present (under the blanket by the wall) from Santa
Mulu showing off his new MP3 player
Aaliyah holding Cousin Evie