Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holiday train show

After school one day the kids and I went to a Holiday train show at our local botanical gardens. Mulu started out being unimpressed with my idea of going - being 7 he was too cool for trains. I was able to convince him to go "because his sisters would like it" - and once there we all had a great time!

My new favorite photo of the Johnson kiddos - I sure am a lucky mom

Aria is currently - all about trains - so this was right up her ally. In this photo you can see one of the model trains that travels around the room surrounded by beautiful poinsettias and decorations.

You can see Aria saying "oh wow" as another of the trains whizzes by

Mulu checking out one of the trains - maybe he wasn't too cool after all

I tried to get an "action shot" of Aaliyah - but she is into posing now - here is her cute self
One of the marvelous gingerbread houses that helped decorate the room
And afterwards we stopped in the gift shop for Christams cookies and cocoa

First Snow!

Last winter Aria was about 15 months old - being this old allowed her to walk in the snow, participate in sledding and look around - but not old enough to remember. So when it snowed for the 1st time this year - it was all new for her. On this day Mulu was at school and I bundled up the girls to talk them outside to play in it for the 1st time this winter.

When I opened the garage door, Aria saw the snow and was amazed. In her deep, raspy voice she said "oooooh wow - - - - look 's rainin - - - - nooooo - - - 's not rainin - - - s' fuh ee (funny) what is it?" having a whole little conversation with herself. :)

We had fun playing in the backyard - pulling them around in sleds - taking bites of handfulls of snow. Although, being the particular one she is, Aria had a hard time with this "fuh ee" white stuff being all over her things - she had to clean off every surface - which doesn't work well when it continues to fall from the sky.

Here is Aria - all bundled up out in the snow

Aaliyah's 1st snow angel of the year

and the playground in our backyard still works!