Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Coloring Easter eggs.

We had fun tonight dying eggs for Easter. The kiddos (Mulu & Aaliyah at least) had a great time getting creative this year and we had a really fun time doing it together.

Sometimes I try to set up big happy memory filled family moments like this and get disappointed when they crumble into messy little heaps (which naturally happens with three passionate kids in one house) - but tonight was truly nice.

The kids were sweet, patient, funny and complimentary with each other's work. It was a nice surprise as we are coming out of 4 intense days where all three kids have been nasty sick (which is especially a bummer since this is Mulu's spring break) - so although we are still quarantined in our house - we had a night of giggles, creativeness and smiles.

Mixing the dyes - Aria climbed right up onto Aaliyah's stool to get in the action with the big kids

Mulu dipping his 1st egg

Mulu, Aaliyah and I with some of our work

the finished products . . .

(its not really as exciting as it seemed in the moment - but I still thought I would share)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mulu's birthday party.

Mulu's birthday party turned out to be a ton of fun. 10 kiddos here at the Johnson house all geared up for our safari theme. There were kids from all parts of his world - his class at school, the neighborhood, his family, family friends and even a friend from the same care center in Ethiopia. They immediately meshed into a cohesive group, acted like they have all been "buds" for years and had a great time

decorations - helping give the Jungle safari feel (as well as Jungle sounds)

the grub for the party

the safari group

the kids played some games - a sticky tree frog toss (at our painted patio door), a snake hunt (using flashlights to find hidden snakes in the dark) and a scavenger hunt at the end

Here is Mulu and a friend hunting for snakes (it was pitch black in the room - but the flash makes it look normal)

the rest of the group waiting for their turn to hunt

sitting down for snacks, cake and ice cream

and we shipped off Aria to Nana and Papa's for the party - but she still got to have fun with the safari hats when she got home.

Mulu's birthday . . .

So, our little man is 7!!! 7!!! I know!!! Mulugeta is now 7! I am still in full fledged denial . .

Well - as predicted he has thoroughly enjoyed being star of the week and was thrilled when his birthday finally arrived. He woke up earlier than normal and asked for doughnuts (whispering to me that I could put a candle in it if I wanted). Here is Mulu contemplating his birthday breakfast.

And he got to take in cupcakes to school and asked for "Ethiopian cupcakes" - ummmmm haven't found a recipe for that yet - so I used red, yellow and green frosting and put the star that is on the Ethiopian flag - he approved!

This year, just like his last birthday, Mulu decided he wanted a friends party rather than a big family one - so his aunties, uncles and grandparents met us out for a birthday dinner and he got to pick the restaraunt - he chose Buraka - our favorite Ethiopian restaurant in town. Here is part of our table:

The restaurant has great artwork from Ethiopia and Mulu wanted a picture with him next to this one - with a sad child - who knows . . . but you can see his big smile and his new shirt he got for his birthday.

and Mulu blowing out his cupcake candles!!!