Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday funny - thanks to reading.

Brian got me a comedic valentines card this year that said "Let's get naked and watch some baseball" and the inside of the card said "but there is no baseball in February . . . "

tee hee

about an hour later Mulu loudly tromps into the kitchen shouting in a pretend yelling voice "naked and watch baseball? ? ? ? - what is this - why would you get naked and watch baseball! ! ! "

uhhhhh -


quick thinking . . . I reply with "you wouldn't - that's why it is silly - you would not get naked and watch baseball" - enough to satisfy him and move on

I guess Mulu reads better than we thought he did...

Monday, February 16, 2009

belated Thursday funny . . .

This is one of those cliche "not funny in the moment" funny moments. Aaliyah and one of her best friends were watching a movie downstairs while her friend's mom and I were making dinner. Rather than enjoying HS Musical (again for the um-teenth time) like they were supposed to be doing, Aaliyah and her friend got out the markers (crayola water proof - thank goodness) and delved into their artsy sides. Their faces were covered as well as their arms, necks, back AND our kids cloth chairs and the TV screen. They came up the stairs all proud & I tried my best not to laugh outloud - taking their picture, trying not to smile while saying "this is really not ok - smile guys"

Here is their handy work. . .

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ice skating

We took advantage of a not so cold day here (this winter has been brutal with below zero temps) to go ice skating as a family. We brought sleds for the girls so they would each have their own (Aaliyah split her time between skating and riding). This is the 1st time we've been on outside ice (vs. an inside rink) since the kids took their lessons. Aaliyah did well "marching" on her blades staying on her feet most of the time while staying very cautious and careful. Mulu looked like he has been skating all his life - turning and stopping and going very fast.

Daddy and Aaliyah together.

Mulu, doing his thing. I meant to get an action shot for you - but it didn't work out.

Daddy pulling both the girls - I wish you could hear them squealing through the picture - they were loving this.

yes, there is a baby in there . . .

Brian giving Aria a break from her sled.