Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Bigger & Better Aria

Brief update -

Aria had her four month well child check up

She now is 26" long (which is in the 98th percentile)

weighs 14 lbs 3.0 oz (6.435 kg) (66th percentile)

and her head circumference is 41.5 cm (43rd percentile)

and her doctor gives her a perfect bill of health.

She is laughing and reaching and smiling all the time. She can lift up her whole upper body on her tummy and can accurately get toys into her mouth. She still loves to gnaw on her fingers and is a drolling fool. She clearly admires her older brother and sister watching all they do and responding easily to their coos.

Funny Johnson moments

So we had a couple of funny kid moments which usually end in me smiling, red in the cheeks and putting my hand in my face - here are three

1. My dad passed 6 years ago on December 23. I have kept the gifts I was going to give him the Christmas he died and we put them under our tree every year. I think its another great way to visually remember him, to talk about him with the kids and to be included as a part of our Christmas traditions. When I put them under the tree I made sure to talk to the kids about them (and another great opportunity to talk about Grandpa Tim) to make sure they knew what they were about and didn't surprise us all and open them. Anyways - enough back story - so my mom is over one day early December and said, admiring our decorations, " wow - you already have presents under the tree" and without skipping a beat, Aaliyah bursts out with "yea they are for Grandpa Time - - - - I gonna get presents when I get dead too" - interesting to see what she pulls out of all of this.

2. Up at a family Christmas one of Brian's cousins walked in with his new girlfriend and as Mulu was running through said "oh, and that's Mulu - Mulu this is my girlfriend ______". Mulu stops in his tracks, looks right at this poor nervous girl and says "ohhhh yuck - - - - I don't like girlfriends"

3. Same party, room FULL of people, Mulu walks out of the bathroom and shouts "hey guys" - waits until everyone is quiet and paying attention and continues "ok - - - who left the blue pee in the toilet" (referring to the self cleaning tablets in the toilet tank) - I reassured him it was ok and no one's pee was blue and he continued his task - walking out of the bathroom a second time he finished with an announcement "and now its green - - - blue & yellow make green" . . . lovely

Monday, January 14, 2008


Here is the photo from our Christmas card

Johnson kiddos in their Christmas pjs
Christmas eve all dressed up
Christmas morning in their new chairs from Santa

Friday, January 11, 2008

The rest of Aria's photos

So here are the rest of Aria's 3 month professional photos. She did so amazing during the sitting that the photographer snapped 87 different shots and its taken me hours to decide what to get


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

leading up to Christmas

Hi - I have a little catching up to do, as the Holidays have seemed to make three weeks totally disappear. So here are some festivities leading up to Christmas!

We went for Breakfast with Santa with some friends - here is our family picture - (nice contribution Mulu :^) )
Here are the kiddos talking to Santa - Aaliyah wouldn't look at him really, but when he was turned listening to Mulu she repeatedly whispered "Cinderella, Cinderelly" - and was later worried that Santa wasn't listening to her.

Cousin Charlie and Baby Aria checking each other out
Aaliyah and the babies (Charlie in the stripes, Aria in the red)

Aria in her "my 1st Christmas" outfit - I said I would never put the little headbands on any of my bald headed babies - but here it is!

Aria rockin' out at a Snowflake ball for Mulu's school

Aaliyah and her best friend (from the same orphanage as Mulu & Aaliyah) on Santa's lap

The photo from our gift tags - ya gotta love photoshop