Monday, February 16, 2009

belated Thursday funny . . .

This is one of those cliche "not funny in the moment" funny moments. Aaliyah and one of her best friends were watching a movie downstairs while her friend's mom and I were making dinner. Rather than enjoying HS Musical (again for the um-teenth time) like they were supposed to be doing, Aaliyah and her friend got out the markers (crayola water proof - thank goodness) and delved into their artsy sides. Their faces were covered as well as their arms, necks, back AND our kids cloth chairs and the TV screen. They came up the stairs all proud & I tried my best not to laugh outloud - taking their picture, trying not to smile while saying "this is really not ok - smile guys"

Here is their handy work. . .

1 comment:

Matt, Cassidy, Parker and New Baby said...

That's too (not in the moment) cute!