Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Catching up

ok, ok, ok - so I know its been too long that I have posted. I have no good excuses - except life has been busy. Mulu is done with school which allows all three Johnson Kiddos to be home full time! We have been having an awesome time already doing summer stuff, with summer schedules and basically summer life.

So I have posts lined up ready to catch up (Aria's 9 month update, Father's Day, etc.)

Here is a photo of Mulu's Kindergarten program "The Three Piggy Opera" - toooooo cute. And although this photo does NOT show it, Mulu had a great time and did awesome - knowing all the songs and little had gestures that went with it.

Aaliyah and Aria on our last day of just the girls - we're all really excited to get the summer to be with Mulu!

For fun & to compare - here is a picture of Mulu on his first day of Kindergarten - before Aria was born, before he could read and do math, before he became the confident Kindergartner he is today.

And Mulu's last day of Kindergarten - after a full year with an amazing teacher, sweet new friends and 9 months of being on his own during they day. He has absolutely blossomed this year & is very proud of himself (as he very well should be)

And, of coarse, b/c Mulu got his picture taken in front of the tree - Aaliyah wanted to also - so here is Aaliyah on Mulu's last day of Kindergarten (in her Dora pjs)

And Aria too - although she wasn't too sure about getting her feet into the dewy grass so early in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire, I just wanted to tell you I've been peeking in on your blog and enjoy seeing the kids. Hope you guys have a great summer!