Here are some of the things we have done so far:
lots of hot tubbing - we keep the temp low enough to be kid friendly - and have definitely taken advantage of it this summer. Mulu & Aaliyah love to float, and have under water contests and play lifeguard - while are is more than content floating around all the action in her little tube.
Here is Mulu & Aaliyah sharing a tube - this seemed like a fun idea until they had to get themselves out of it
We enjoyed some live music one evening - here is Mulu enjoying some popcorn (Brian & the baby are in the background)
Brian, Aria & Aaliyah groovin' to the music.
We took a road trip to a jumping gym with Aaliyah's best friend. Here are the two girls jumping off some of that extra energy!
Mulu, Aaliyah and their friend enjoying a light snack.
Baby Aria taking a nap a the jumper place.
Mulu & Aaliyah helping Uncle Dave dig holes for the posts for their new deck
and the babies (Aria and Cousin Charlie) helping too!
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